The Oaks

2. Bread, A 5 Minute Guided Devotional, Episode 2, Chaos to Order

Josh Hallmark Season 2 Episode 2

Bread is a  guided devotional series to help you connect with God in a meaningful way all in about five minutes. In this episode we discuss how God turns the chaos of our lives into order.

Hey there. I'm Josh and this is bread, a guided devotional series to help you connect with God in a meaningful way all in about five minutes.
A couple things to remember about bread, we'll have a verse and meditation, two, we'll say the Lord's prayer together. Number three, we'll make declarations over our day. 
Now let's look at the verse. This is Genesis, chapter one, verse one, the very first verse in the Bible says in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Couple things to know about this verse this words formless and empty. The Hebrew here is tofu and boho. And it actually means dark, and chaotic, formless chaotic, empty, dark darkness. And it's just the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And this is just a note, to know is that the writer of Genesis was Moses and the ancients when they thought of creation. They didn't necessarily think like we do about creation in our mindset. In a western mindset, we think primarily, of creation, X nucleo, like something out of nothing. But the ancients, the way they perceive creation was what brought order from chaos, they often associated chaos as being the beginning. And Moses keyed in on this, he was making a very, very strong theological point about who God was, is that God hovered over the chaos and the darkness, and he did create the heavens and earth. But he moved upon that darkness, that chaos. And and he brought order to, you know, the word here that spirit hovered. It's actually also, you know, another term used as a brooded over like a mother hand broods over her baby chicks, or over her eggs. And it's amazing to think that in the chaos of our lives, that God can move upon us. And he really did something special as he moved over the darkness and the chaos, and this is the whole process of Genesis, chapter one is that he went from light, I'm sorry, from darkness to light and from chaos, to order. The amazing thing is that he can do the same thing for us in our lives. He can take the things that are certain uncertainty, and he can make them a perfect order. You know, God uses all things right for good to those who love Him. God is able to do something really productive out of the mess, and the mess is that we've made that's your meditation for today. Jesus taught us to pray when he said, This is how you should pray, taught us the Lord's Prayer. So let's say this together. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen. And now declarations over our day. Would you say this with me? Say it out loud. I can do this. God sees me. God is with me. I made for meaning for I am reflecting on my work and seeing what is good.
God is bringing order and light in my life. We learned today right? And you're gonna rock this day feels pretty good to say thanks to our contributors. And thank you for spending some time today, your bread. glad that we got to do this together bye bye